About Me

I'm one of those people you sometimes hear about on the news or hear people making fun of at the water cooler after watching a certain trashy reality show. I hoard. I'm afraid of my back porch. I have OCD. No one has been allowed to visit my home in a decade. I want to change that while somehow attempting to help others like me find the tools they need to overcome this humiliating disorder and perhaps give a little insight to those that think it is something to laugh at. I would also like to host a dinner party. This is my squalor recovery. My journey begins here.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mom's Proud of Me?

I have no job and I fell behind in my condo assessments forcing the treasurer of the board to send the statement to my mother, also mentioning I had no screen on my back door (seriously - so what?).  My mother and her husband and I spent nearly six hours installing an aluminum screen door (hinges on the old wood door were painted over so many times it took an hour to get it off then the door they brought was two inched too wide and we had to take it down, return it and carry a second door up three stories on a 94 degree day).   Did I mention Annie Wilkes was trying to peek out her window half the time? Nosy bitch.

In the process of  arguing last night over why I didn't want them to come over (as they insisted) I told my mother about my problem. She'd already been looking into professional organizers for my brother (see earlier post) and has agreed (as I won't let her in here to help) to pay to fix this. I haven't got estimates yet but this isn't going to be cheap. But she's proud of me for telling her. I'm costing her potential thousands of dollars because I'm a pathetic fuck-up and she's proud of me?

So I have to do three trips tonight and I'm doing it down the back stairs. And tomorrow morning is trash pick up so tomorrow overnight I'm going to try to fill the middle dumpster.  Wrong of me I know, but what are they going to do - go through my garbage bags? If I can do that tomorrow night and Thursday night when there will be an empty dumpster perhaps I can save us a little money.  I dunno. I just dunno.

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